This web blog is designed to give readers an exclusive sneak peek of the Ozarks Reader! The Ozarks Reader is a tri-yearly (three times a year) magazine that showcases the Ozarks region of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Feature articles include regional history, attractions, unique businesses, arts and crafts, and much more! To subscribe send $11.85 (or $3.95 each) check or money order to: The Ozarks Reader, 18800 Noland Lane, Neosho MO 64850. For more information call: (417) 451-2492 or email me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What's New For 2012

We probably don't need to tell you about these hard times, which has affected many of us. As a result, we've decided to continue to publish The Ozarks Reader in 2012 but with a few temporary changes--the magazine will be printed twice a year (bi-yearly): Spring/Summer & Fall/Winter (somethning new).

We hated to stop printing The Ozarks Reader altogether and let down so many readers, writers and advertisers (and our goal of promoting the region), so we hope that this temporary inconvenience will be, not only tolerated, but celebrated by everyone who loves The Ozarks Reader and wants to continue enjoying it. The Fall 2011 issue will be out in September.

Thank you for your loyalty--give us a helping hand and introduce the magazine to someone.

Rex T. Jackson, Publisher/Editor
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